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Top 15 Best Marvel Snap Variant Cards

Marvel Snap continues to be a part of my daily habit. Its quick matches, ever growing library of cards and locations, and constant evolution delivers an ongoing experience that never grows old. It's cross-save availability across PC and Mobile allows it be great for big screen "serious gaming" or on the go entertainment. I have been a fan of this game since day one, despite it being a CCG; a genre that I am usually not a fan of. In fact, not only has this game made me a fan of digital collectible card games, but it has actually made me a better Marvel fan. Admittedly, despite being a huge Marvel fan; I must confess that my knowledge of Marvel was much more limited to the MCU and other Legacy films/shows. I haven't read too many comics. Marvel Snap has introduced me to show many cool characters that I was unfamiliar with in the Marvel continuity that I have become a fan of these comic characters through the game. There are several Marvel characters who I "grew to like more" because they were a great card that I enjoyed. It is interesting how arbitrary gameplay in a card game can subconsciously make me a fan of a character even if I know nothing else about them. My favorite cards in the game have encouraged me to go read more about and learn about the comic origins of some characters. It also makes it more exciting when seeing some of these characters debut in the MCU. I am also a huge fan art and comic art fan, as evident in the fact that fanartists make up a huge part of the Gi Creator Support. One of the best ongoing aspects of Marvel Snap isn't just collection new characters, but unlocking Varients or (new art covers) for existing cards.

This article showcases some of the best Variant art pieces of cards in Marvel Snap. This article will focus on variants encountered, and may leave off Varients that are locked for me. All art is owned by Marvel Snap, and this article will contain screenshots taken in game. These cards are not being ranked for "how effective" they are in the game's current Meta. This is purely a discussion and celebration of their cosmetic art. This article doesn't take into account how difficult the variant is to acquire. This article doesn't take into account base cards, only variants.

15. Nimrod "ADIA Variant"

Nimrod is one of my favorite destroy cards as there is just something so satisfying about watching his ability snowball and fill a board. Dropping a power boosted one and watching their Shang-Chi reveal after is a hilarious move. This ADIA armored up Nimrod is my favorite and there is just something ridiculous about this pink armored character.

14. White Widow "Artgerm Variant"

Artgerm is just an incredible artist, and it would be easy to pick so many of their amazing cards. White Widow is a fun and more recent card, and we think this one really is cool.

13. Odin "Iron All-Father Variant"

Odin is the last character I would expect to see an "Iron Variant". This mash up of Ironman armor with the All Father is just really cool. His gold ironman like vibe in this variant is just super cool and unexpected. When I unlocked this one, it instantly became a favorite to use.

12. Galactus Variant

Galactus put it mildly, a devisive card. Some people love him. Some people HATE him. Some people love to hate him. I feel like He has been reworked and edited more than any other card. Galactus has some really cool variant art, but I had to pick this one as my favorite. It is just leaned in on Galactus' size and destructive power.

11. Nick Fury "Signed Variant"

This is the most unique variant on this list. As this Variant is actually less about the art itself, but in the just really cool part of having Samuel Jackson's "signed variant". It uses the defaults art...but no other card in the game has this homage to an actor who really brought and defined this character. I would love to see more "signed variants" Imagine a Robert Downey Jr Ironman or Jessica Alba Invisible Woman. It could be really cool to do more of these. I love this.

10. Invisible Woman "Pandart Studio Variant"

Invisible Woman is one of my favorite cards as she was the base to my best deck, my Modok Hella deck relied on her. IW has multiple options for some really cool variants, but this PANDART STUDIO variant is my favorite by far. The floaty feel, her flowing hair, and force field bubbles just really sell this character and makes for a cool art!

9. Ghost Spider "Gwenom Variant"

This game is FILLED with so many Venom variants...I easily could just have made this entire list a list of Venomized characters. Ghost Spider aka "Gwenom" Variant just takes the top spot. It is so chaotic and dark, and one of my favorite cards in my move deck.

8. Storm "Pandart Studio Variant"

Storm is such a fun lockdown card, especially in decks where you can boost or move into a location afterwards. She is great for a T6 move onto a location that would otherwise prevent cards from being there in certain ways. She is so fun, and this Pandart Studio variant is my favorite art for her. She has a powerful pose with the classice “energy circle hands” trope that I like in comics. It may be cliche but I like it. Overall this is a really cool artwork for her character.

7. Death " Fidnaa Hsieh Variant"

Death is an essential card in any destroy deck with the possibility of getting a free 0’12 card. The Fidna Hsieh variant artwork is just mesmerizing with it’s otherworldly and floaty almost ethereal design. It makes Death something other than a grotesque grim reaper type archetype but instead a more intriguing Rogue Adventureer type. It gives me Fantastical Assassin’s Creed vibes with this outfit and pose.

6. Venom "Baby Variant"

What is so funny about this so many other characters in this game have a "Venom version" that is all dark, gritty, and chaotic...meanwhile ACTUAL VENOM has this goofy cartoon Venom variant licking a spiderman-lollipop. Everytime I look at it, the total opposite style and vibe, the goofiness of it all; It makes me laugh everytime. I love this card art.

5. Kitty Pryde "Wedding Variant"

Kitty Pryde is a fun card, and a lot of Snap fans love her, and when they dropped this Wedding Drew variant, I remember how excited fans of the card were to have this. Not having any context to this card...but she's all dressed up in a wedding dress...holding a DRAGON IN A TUXEDO. I say a again, a DRAGON IN A TUXEDO.

4. Devil Dinosaur "Mech Variant"

Can anyone tell me what is cooler than a Dinosaur Superhero/comic character? A ROBOT DINOSAUR. This card is a ROBOT T-REX. Do I need to explain anything further ?

3. Carnage "Conqueror Variant"

Tell me this isn't one of the most BAD ASS Variants. This red demon monster creature looking like a ruler of all reality in this Conqueror Variant. He is terrifying, and wouldn't want to mess with him.

2. Aero "Variant"

One of my favorite parts of Marvel Snap is that it succeeds in teaching me about characters I had never even heard about. I consider myself a pretty educated Marvel fan, but I hadn't heard of Aero before....and she managed to sneak in as i dont know much about her charactet. Before her nerf she was such a powerful T6 winning card, and there is just something about her floaty and futuristic vibe that is fascinating. It is these lesser known favorite heroes that make Marvel Snap so much fun.

1. Nico Minoru "Peach Momoko Variant"

I haven't ever worked, grinded, spent more time and effort and credits and gold and keys to get a card in this game more than Nico Minoru's Peach Momoko Variant. In fact this may be the hardest I’ve worked to get any digital in game item in any game. I didn't even have a deck built for her or really know how to use her. But something about this art piece, I needed to have this variant at all costs. I grinded the battlepass. I saved credits. I climbed so many god awful levels in the collection to get enough keys to unlock her. Of course it took 4 keys. It took me almost a week to unlock her, and that was with spending all my credits and gold. So when I tell you it was 100% worth it...this is my favorite variant art in the whole game. It is just this cool Raven-esque gothic card that I think needs no explanation for being number one. I was unsure how 2-15 was going to play out, but I knew what number 1 was.


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